Disclaimer: The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Project code: 2020-1-IT02-KA227-SCH-094850
We Need Illusions
The purpose is to introduce young people and adults to the potential of creativity and magical art to:
- open up and make themselves known, to confront each other;
- create a new model of learning;
- develop a different way.
The project is funded by Erasmus+ and aims to achieve the following priorities:
“Magically educational action research model”
01-06-2021 / 31-01-2022
“Participatory workshops of magic and illusionism and related tools”
01-02-2022 / 31-08-2022
“Docufilm and final publication”
01-08-2022 / 31-05-2023
E1 - To disseminate IO1 e IO2, organized by CONIL
19/09/2022 in Romania
E2 - To disseminate IO3, organized by CRAS
10/05/2023 in Poland
In Presence
IV Intermediate TPM (CRAS Poland, 01/06/2022)
VI TPM (Italy, 03/11/2022)
Final TPM (Romania, 20/04/2023)
Kick-off meeting (09/07/2021)
II virtual TPM (SIT, 19/10/2021)
III virtual TPM (CRAS, 06/05/2022)
V virtual TPM (Conil, 08/09/2022)
C1 - Romania
“Ex ante mobilties”
C2 - Italy
“In itinere mobilties”
02 & 04/11/2022
C3 - Poland
“Ex post mobilties”